Unveiling the Secret of Happiness
Unveiling the secret of happiness solely depend on yourself, your determination, resilience and optimism. It is feasible with a daily practi
Work Life Harmony…Why it Matters?
“Life Balance scares me,” said a client in a coaching session. Her facial expressions depicted a look of worry and fear of “the unknown.”...
The New Paradigm of Failure
In my previous article on failure (Failure...aka The Invisible Side of Success, November 24th 2017), I wrote about failure in terms of...
Failure...aka The Hidden Side of Success
Failure: Understanding it, and turning it into a growth mindset to pave your way into success.
The Hidden Prerequisites of #Empathy
As I am preparing for my next workshop on empathy, I immerse myself in my reading books, articles, business cases, as well as discussions...
Emotional Intelligence: do you lack empathy?
Empathy is the foundation for emotional intelligence as it completes self-awareness and self-management. Lacking empathy leads to handicappi
Confort vs challenge ….Is it a zone or a mindset?
Comfort to Growth Zone. It is a mindset not a zone.
How to shift mindset from comfort to growth mindset.
Emotional Intelligence: 8 signs you lack personal competence
Emotional Intelligence Personal Competences you should have:
Self Awareness, Self Management, Motivation
Time Management….Yes! But how precisely?
Managers and entrepreneurs need a reality check on how they allocate their time, on what type of task they do, and what are the returns of i
Setting Limits & exploring your new freedom
Setting limits to discover your new freedom. Great idea but how? And what are the benefits?
Learn about the importance of knowing your limit